Emociones entre libros #1

Supongo que en cualquier libro se expresa un o mas sentimientos ya sean buenos o malos negativos o positivos tristes o alegres...
Se me acudio hacer esta seccion en el blog por dos razones:
- La primera, lo vi hacer en otros blogs.
- Por daros a conocer mucho mejor los libros.
Pues bueno hos dire que la mayoria de libros que lei tuvieron mucha tragedia (ya que no creo que sea casualidad...)


 - Ways to live forever (Maneres de viure per sempre)
Portada del Movie
How many times have you said, “When I grow up… ?” Probably lots of times. When I grow up. It’s a normal childhood phrase. Sam is 11 and doesn’t say it. He says, “if I grow up.” He has leukemia, and he’s been through chemotherapy several times. The leukemia also comes back, unfortunately. Pretty sad, huh? So you’re thinking, why would I want to read a sad book? There are a bunch of reasons, but the best one I can think of is that Sam is a really cool and brave person. He met his best friend, Felix, in the hospital, and they’d do crazy stuff like stealing a trolley and riding around in it, or asking their tutor to help them make things which explode. Sam is also a fact collector and an expert list maker. He really likes wolves, and he wants to break some silly world records. He’s a normal kid with a normal family who has to think about death and dying, because it could be around the corner for him. Just getting to know him was one of the coolest things about his story. Ways to Live Forever by Sally Nicholls.

Opinion personal
Es un libro precioso pero con una realidad triste, a que vista por otros ojos es bonita e interesante. Un libro que te hace reflexcionar Y ver el mundo de otra forma, ya que te da la sensacion de que vivio por siempre.
Lo recomando a la gente, como yo, no estan costumbrados a leer libros realistas y quienes los bonitos momentos les emocionan.Porque puede que nosotros podamos vivir por siempre...

No esta disponible en español


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